Who we are
OMBAI is a furniture and décor brand located in Dubai. Our furniture is handcrafted in Indonesia by passionate artisans, using sustainably-sourced materials of the greatest quality.
Our carefully curated designs are inspired by the natural beauty of these materials: we highlight their texture, grain and tactility with a sense of essential, elementary elegance.

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OMBAI is a lifestyle.
It’s a daily celebration of the beauty of the earth, in all its plurality. It’s an invitation to awaken our senses and our most primal emotions. It’s for those who crave authenticity, and an intimate reconnection to nature. Those who want to grow roots in a fast-paced world. Those who aspire to feel present, and live with the elements.

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The name concept
OMBAI is the name of a strait in Indonesia (Ombai strait): it resonates with the Indonesian roots of the brand.
It’s also a reference to both the Indonesian word for wave (Ombak) and the Javanese word for home (Omah): OMBAI crystalizes the tension between intimacy and movement, that we all experience in our lives. It brings escapist sensoriality to our homes. But most importantly, it’s a simple word with an elementary dimension:
▶ OM evokes Home, but also the harmonious Om mantra, some fundamental comfort, sensoriality and serenity.
▶ BAI is a simple human sound – conveying authenticity and beautiful simplicity. The final “I” gives the name an escapist accent, and elevates the elementariness of “BA” with its elegant verticality.

The logo
The ethos of OMBAI is brought to life by its M: it is the letter of two sides being joined, connected. It’s a bridge between worlds.
Transformed, the OMBAI M is also altered by the passing of time, rolled into the waves. It becomes a pattern that can be seen in many ways, in all directions. It is the cornerstone and leitmotiv of the whole OMBAI lifestyle. Of our love and curiosity towards the flesh of the world in its plurality.
This pattern looks like a wave with legs, with roots, translating the dialectic of movement and anchorage OMBAI embodies by being a home escape.